"I'm creating a body of work on how I want us to be seen and also how I want us to see ourselves." - Najee Dorsey
Southern Crossroads is a series of stunning digital photographic montages that explore's Najee Dorsey's connection to his southern roots. This series features work created by the artist and is his creative exploration of his southern-ness and southern heritage. Many characters in Dorsey's vibrant, striking, and evocative imagery are of well-known individuals and family, as well as those that are beautiful stand-ins for humanity.
Najee Dorsey
Smooves Place, 2020photomontage
20 x 40 inches
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Najee Dorsey
Pastures, 2015photomontage
12 x 60 inches
"My Souff is intentional, a real thing, not a typo. Souff is where you find the magic, what the French call “Je ne sais quoi”, that special shit we share with the world that's hard to quantify. In the Souff, you'll find “it”, whatever that “it” may be for you. It was rooted, cultivated and harvested here, right here in the Souff, and it spread like wildfire. It’s older than I am, older than my granddaddy was. My work brings it into the world, in an alternative narrative, counter to traditional and historical narratives found in and about the South. My work is anchored by the regality I find in Black people, the culture we create as well as the landscape and aesthetics of our homes. Those things, among other things, are important to me. Defining and shape-shifting “Souff”... those are the things that make up what my art is about. "
- Najee Dorsey
Najee Dorsey
Deep Down In The Mississippi Delta, 2015photomontage22 x 56 inches -
Najee Dorsey's Process of Creating