This series explores the duality and tension between individuality and the collective through the expression of Kinship. Today we see the glorification of individualism and self-radiance. Concurrently we can witness the erosion of communion as a result of the individualistic pursuit. Where does the balance lie? -
Diran's work primarily takes a view on the beauty of people of color. The beauty and regality that have been misconstrued in society for a longtime. Through his photographs he aims to convey this allure with the use of fine art and conceptual themes. "Each of my projects share this similar message but with the use of different elements. Elements derived from different cultures around the world, royalty and the symbolical meaning of color". -Oye Diran
Oye DiranA Ti De, 2020Giclee print on Hahnemühle German Etching50 x 40 inches
"I can come up with a message I’m trying to channel to my audience and then build the imagery that conveys that message. Inversely, I can create imagery without any intended message, purely from a mood or expressive creativity where interpretation is left to the audience. I want to continue to convey the essence of African or black ideologies while breaking down misconstrued narratives of these cultures," he said. "I want to be part of the global force illuminating the culture from a diasporic perspective. And most importantly, telling the many truths that are overlooked and more often, silenced. I feel that it is our collective responsibility as African photographers to do so".